Enhanced Tax Solutions provides a full range of tax planning and preparation services to include services for:
Corporations (C and Subchapter S)
Limited liability companies
Non-Profit organizations

Our planning services can assist you by:

Identifying ways to minimize your tax liability.
Help you select the type of entity best suited to your                           business and tax situation.
Developing a family business succession plan.
Planning your estate to minimize estate taxes.
Considering your retirement needs and structuring your                   retirement plans to minimize current and future taxes.

Our tax preparation services and related processes are designed to ensure that no matter what type of tax return needs filing, we will complete the return timely so that the information remains relevant and you are not penalized for late filings.
Our goal is to make the process of tax planning and preparation a simpler process that provides timely, meaningful information, and assist you in minimizing your tax liabilities currently and into the future.